Our Projects



Through a grant from the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, the Division of National TB, Leprosy and other Lung Diseases in partnership with the Respiratory Society of Kenya and other stakeholders is piloting a program of support to those with post-TB disabilities.

The project is currently being implemented within Nairobi County in 15 high burden sites. The key Initiatives are: –


Effort expansion

To expand the effort to provide appropriate care to people with post TB lung disease and other forms of post TB disability by implementing a set of interventions

Capacity building

To build the capacity of health care workers in managing PTLD

Fight stigma

To fight stigmatisation of persons with PTLD through support.

Address social economic impact

To address the social economic impact suffered by the PTLD patients by rehabilitating them to their economic potential.

Mainstram ideal models

To mainstream ideal models at the community (guidelines, SOPs, relevant equipment, and essential medicines) to manage PTLD at all levels.

Resource advocacy

To advocate for resources for continued research and management of PTLD


Establish routine recording and reporting systems for post TB

Establish routine recording and reporting systems for post TB lung diseases and other chronic lung diseases